handyman services

How to Get Hired as a Handyman

Working as a handyman means you need to be skilled in many different areas. You should be someone people can rely on to come in and fixed an issue as quickly and professionally as possible. Naturally, this line of work can be highly competitive as there are always other handymen looking for jobs at the…

No FussWaystoFiguringOutYourBoiler

10 No-Fuss Ways to Figuring Out Your Boiler

When boiler problems strike, you need to figure out what’s wrong immediately. The longer it goes unattended, the more of a problem it becomes. Bearing that in mind, here are ten straightforward ways of figuring out your boiler: Check for leaks A good place to start is by checking your boiler for signs of any…

Can I Repair My Own Boiler?

Can I Repair My Own Boiler?

If you consider yourself something of a handy person to have around the home, then you may be eager and willing to fix whatever you can yourself, without having to spend money on professional help. Some jobs are tougher than others, however, and boilers can be some of the most complex (and potentially dangerous) appliances…